Paytm Mall, owned by Paytm E-commerce Pvt Ltd, as part of this year’s Republic Day Sale, is offering ethnic and western handbags with up to 80% off. Soft luggage bags, on the other hand, can be purchased by the customers with up to 65% off. Similarly, beauty and personal care items are up for grabs on the platform with up to 50% discount. Kurtis are available with up to 70% off, whereas, shoes from all the popular brands like Nike, Red Chief, Puma, Catwalk, and Woodland products can be availed with minimum discounts ranging from 20-70% and additional cashback.
For homemakers, the platform is offering flat cashback worth up to Rs. 20,000 alongside free electric bill vouchers for 1 year, No-Cost EMIs, and assured warranties on large electronics. In-demand Bluetooth headphones and speakers from JBL, boAt, Skullcandy, and more are available with up to 70% off and an additional cashback of up to 25%. The shutterbugs can also buy choicest DSLR cameras from Canon and Nikon starting with an EMI of Rs. 3799. Paytm Mall is also offering up to 80% off and additional cashback on two-wheeler and car accessories.
You can check out all deals and discounts by logging onto or via Paytm Mall’s smartphone application for Android and iOS. The platform has given you the perfect opportunity to do budget shopping while enjoying the sense of nationhood this Republic Day.