Alcatel launched the U5 HD. The phone will be available for booking exclusively on Flipkart starting midnight today. The phone is priced at INR 5999. With a 5-inch HD display showcasing vivid and dynamic colors for entertainment lovers, U5 HD also provides fun selfie editing apps and other essential features.
Speaking at the launch, Mr. Praveen Valecha, Regional Director, Alcatel India remarked, “Style and premium look are two of the most sought after features by a smartphone user. However, customers often have to pay a premium to avail these features. At Alcatel it has always been our endeavor to provide the premium experience at an affordable price. With the new AlcatelU5 HD, first-time smartphone buyers can now enjoy a crisp and clear viewing experience on a 5-inch HD display and some really fun camera features. This smartphone is designed to give our valued customers the power to get the most out of every moment – all with an appealing price tag.”