The India Mobile Congress (IMC) 2018 announced the launch of ‘APPrize’ – the IMC 1000 App Challenge. The APPrize is an IMC initiative to encourage next wave of the technology revolution for India. Through this five-month online contest, IMC intends to shortlist the top 1000 apps developed to address twenty (20) problem statements across five (5) themes. These five themes are: 1. Empowerment / Access to Services; 2. Enhancing the User Experience; 3. FinTech / Artificial Intelligence; 4. Smart Cities / Smart Enterprises, and 5. Networks of the Future
Participants can register or get more information on the “APPrize” – the IMC 1000 App Challenge by visiting the India Mobile Congress website. This challenge is facilitated by Startup India, Invest India, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Government of India, Ministry of Commerce and Industry and iValley. The challenge is open to all mobile application developers across the country.
APPrize aims to promote new service models, access to innovative services, support skilling and manpower development through value creation. It offers a multitude of opportunities for not just the app developers and entrepreneurs, but also for the stakeholders who would benefit from the solutions offered through this platform.
The 1000 Apps will be selected through a stringent due diligence process and the shortlisted apps will be launched from the IMC Stage on 25th October 2018, at the Inaugural Session of India Mobile Congress 2018. Under the theme “NEW DIGITAL HORIZONS Connect, Create, Innovate”, India Mobile Congress will be held during 25th October and 27th October 2018 at Aerocity, New Delhi, with a slew of parallel events taking place at same venue. The launch of these 1000 Apps through the push of a button and simultaneous posting on an app marketplace, will prove transformative for the Indian App Economy. An interactive App showcase, the App Tunnel will display the 1000 apps at India Mobile Congress 2018. It will be a dynamic tunnel structure lined with numerous LED screens that will carry details of the 1000 apps developed for the launch at IMC 2018.
“With the launch of APPrize, we are challenging talented designers and developers to dream up and propose new media applications that can transform the nation and how the government, civic organizations, and the private sector serve and interact with each other and with the community,” said Mr. Ramakrishna P, Chief Executive Officer, India Mobile Congress (IMC). He further added, “We hope that participants will enjoy the experience as much as we do. We expect that inspiring projects will come out of this initiative.”
Leading the initiative Mr. Rajan Mathews, Director General, COAI said “This year, our endeavour is to catalyze app developers/app entrepreneurs to bring about a significant change in the mobile app ecosystem in India. We wish to do so by attempting a world record by launching 1000 Apps on a single day via a single platform”.
The curtain raiser for India Mobile Congress 2018 (IMC) took place on April 13th, 2018 where the Hon’ble Minister of State (I/C) for Communications and Railways, Government of India Shri Manoj Sinha announced that the event will be held between October 25-27 this year. “IMC 2018 is important as it provides the unique platform for stakeholders to exchange ideas and innovations, in a field as dynamic as ours,” said Mr. Sinha.
The, Secretary (T) & Chairperson, Telecom Commission, Department of Telecommunications, Government of India, Ms. Aruna Sundararajan said, “India is the third largest hub for start-ups in the world. It is emerging as a hotspot for tech innovations and therefore the IMC will create opportunities for start-ups to partner with others in the Industry. We believe that Apps and startups that will be supported by the IMC initiative will give further momentum to this progress. Therefore, the initiative to launch 1000 Apps from the India Mobile Congress platform shall be one of the key highlights of the IMC.