Samsung Electronics today unveiled One UI 5 Watch,1 to be available for Galaxy Watch devices later this year. The new software is designed to bring an even more personalized and intuitive health experience and includes enhancements that support better sleep — an often neglected yet essential part of overall wellness — as well as various fitness and safety features.
“Samsung is dedicated to delivering a comprehensive health experience and empowering users to reach their wellness goals. Now more than ever, we believe this starts with getting a good night’s sleep,” said Hon Pak, Vice President and Head of Digital Health Team, MX Business at Samsung Electronics. “The new One UI 5 Watch continues our ongoing commitment to help people improve the quality of their sleep, so they can start each day fully recharged and ready for the day.”
Samsung has focused its efforts on three key elements for better sleep: understanding personal sleep patterns, building healthy habits and establishing a sleep-friendly environment. One UI 5 Watch delivers on these elements with an even more complete sleep experience.
Personalized Heart Rate Zone has been added to Galaxy Watch’s various tailored running tools — including real-time running analysis and a customized interval training program. This new feature analyzes individual physical capabilities3 and sets five optimal workout intensity levels (warm-up, fat burn, cardio, hard-training and max. effort). This enables users to set their own goals based on their ability, from burning fat to high-impact cardio.
Safety is a must when it comes to health and wellness, and One UI 5 Watch also offers improved tools for greater peace of mind. Updates to the SOS feature enable direct communication to an emergency service number to relay information on the wearer’s location,5 and also allow immediate access to the wearer’s Medical Information once an SOS is activated. In addition, Fall Detection is now activated by default for users of advanced ages6 to help lower the risk of emergencies. These are just some of the examples of Samsung’s ongoing efforts to enhance user safety.
One UI 5 Watch will be available first on the upcoming Galaxy Watch series later this year with further updates to be announced soon. Galaxy Watch5 and Galaxy Watch4 series users in the U.S. and Korea can register for the beta program starting in May via Samsung Members app.
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