Indian smartphone manufacturer Celkon launched the Millennium Dazzle Q44 smartphone in India, priced at Rs. 6,499. The smartphone will be available across retail stores and via e-commerce sites from Tuesday.Celkon has also partnered with Airtel on a offer that lets customers activating the Millennium Dazzle Q44 on an Airtel prepaid number avail 500MB of free data on 3G for the first two months.
It features a 4-inch (480×800 pixels) IPS OGS display and is powered by an unnamed 1.3GHz quad-core Cortex A7 processor alongside 1GB of RAM. A 5-megapixel rear camera with LED flash, and 2-megapixel front-facing camera. It has 8GB of inbuilt storage along with an external storage support for up to 64GB. It has Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, GPRS/ EDGE, and 3G connectivity options.
Speaking at the launch, Murali Retineni, Executive Director Celkon Mobiles, said, “We are happy to bring out yet another exciting offer for our customers. We thank Airtel for associating with us and providing free data plan for all our Millennium Dazzle customers. At Celkon we believe in innovation and our latest offering Millennium Dazzle Q44 is the most innovative, stylish, elegant, and as aptly named, has outstanding features. Millennium Dazzle Q44 is affordably priced at just Rs 6499.”