itel, India’s top mobile phone brand under 10K, is all set to strengthen its leadership in the feature phone market with the upcoming launch of its 1st Flip Keypad phone christened ‘Flip One’. This stylish device flips open and shuts with a sleek, elegant design and all set to hit the shelves in September 2024. Crafted with precision and innovation, the Flip One showcases an advanced flip function—an exclusive feature usually found in high-end smartphones. It also boasts premium leather design back, adding a touch of sophistication to its exceptional functionality. It also comes with a premium leather design back giving it a premium feel for consumers.
Perfect for the growing trend among Gen Z and millennials seeking a break from smartphones, the Flip One offers a simple way to stay connected with essential internet, texting, calling, and camera features.
Speaking on the upcoming launch, Mr. Arijeet Talapatra, CEO, itel India said, “As the market leader with a 45% share and an impressive 90% brand loyalty, itel continues to redefine the feature phone landscape with relentless innovation. The upcoming launch of the itel Flip One is not just another addition to our lineup; it’s a breakthrough in the industry. Meticulously researched and thoughtfully designed – the Flip One introduces a rare and cutting-edge flip function—a feature typically reserved for premium smartphones. The Flip One stands out not just for its functionality but for its sophisticated design, setting a new benchmark in the market. This launch underscores our dedication to providing our users with exceptional, trendsetting products that meet their ever-evolving needs.”
itel solidifies its leadership in the feature phone market with an unparalleled 90% brand loyalty, driven by relentless innovation and industry-first features that keep it ahead of the competition
The Flip One introduces a new level of interactive experience, designed for one-handed operation, and is both lightweight and portable. Its leather back design adds a textured elegance, making it a statement piece. Equipped with Bluetooth support, Type-C charging, and a BT caller feature, the Flip One allows users to sync their smartphone contacts and handle calls directly from the feature phone.
Additionally, it boasts a non-removable battery akin to smartphones, a glass-designed keypad, and support for 13 Indian languages. Available in three colors, the Flip One redefines what a feature phone can offer. This device stands out as an ideal choice for both keypad enthusiasts and smartphone users, serving as an excellent secondary option for those who value versatility.
Covered By: Mobility India / itel
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