Jabra shared that its power-packed, latest offering – Jabra Elite 45h and the award winning Jabra Elite 65t received tremendous response during the recently held Amazon Prime Day sale. Both products got sold out on Day 1. Jabra had recently launched Elite 45h in the India market at MRP 9,999- its first on-ear headphone with MySound (customized calibration based on hearing profile), which boasts a light, comfortable design and looks super sleek and stylish in Copper Black colour.
Besides, Jabra offered great promotional price on Jabra Elite 65t – premium pair of true wireless earbuds and got sold out within few hours. The Jabra Elite 65t is engineered to deliver the best true wireless calls and music experience and offers up to 15 hours of battery life.
Commenting on the milestone, Dr. Amitesh Punhani, Country Marketing Manager, India & SAARC at Jabra said “We are extremely happy with the response we got from our customers across the country. These numbers are a testament of our consumers’ trust on the brand. We hope that everyone who purchased the products enjoy the calls and music experience. We will continue to offersuch unique propositions for our customers, so stay tuned to hear from us soon on the next exciting offers.”