Noise, India’s leading smartwatch and connected lifestyle brand, has once again reaffirmed its position as the top smartwatch brand in India. According to the latest IDC India Monthly Wearable Device Tracker for Q2 2024, Noise has captured a market share of 25.7%, solidifying its leadership in the smartwatch segment.
This milestone highlights that 1 in every 4 smartwatches sold in India is a Noise smartwatch, reinforcing our commitment to innovation and excellence. Noise’s continued focus on delivering high-quality, user-centric wearable solutions has enabled it to maintain a strong market presence and drive the expansion of the smartwatch category in India. As the industry continues to evolve, the brand remains determined to push the boundaries of technology to provide more innovative wearable solutions that will impact lives for the good. With this achievement, Noise is poised to make a more powered effort to spotlight India in the wearables category globally.
Covered By: Mobility India / Noise
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