Nokia C02 entry-level Android phone has been launched globally. This is the brand’s latest C-series model and comes as a successor to the Nokia C01. The phone has thick bezels above and below the screen, a square module on the back to house a single camera sensor and an LED flash, and an IP52 splash-resistant rating. The Nokia C02 comes in Dark Cyan and Charcoal colours. The support page of the phone is live on the Indian website, so we can expect the launch soon.
Nokia C02 specifications include a 5.45-inch display with an 18:9 aspect ratio, Android 12 Go Edition, a 5MP single rear camera sensor, a 2MP shooter on the front, a 3,000mAh battery with 5W charging speed, and expandable memory.
Nokia C02 sports a 5.45-inch FWVGA+ display with 480 x 960 pixels resolution and an 18:9 display. The phone is powered by an unnamed Unisoc quad-core processor that is clocked at 1.4GHz. The chipset is paired with 2GB RAM and 32GB storage that is further expandable up to 256GB via a microSD card
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