The much-awaited Oppo’s portrait expert smartphone, the Reno 7 Pro 5G will be available for purchase in India from February 8, 2022. The smartphone was launched on 4th February 2022. The device is available in two colors – Startrails Blue & Starlight Black and is bundled with some exciting launch offers at mainline retailers and on Flipkart
As per Oppo, the Reno 7 Pro 5G also houses a top-of-the-line X-Axis Linear Motor that delivers varying levels of vibration feedback for an immersive gaming experience. The smartphone’s Ultra Touch Response intelligently identifies specific gaming situations and increases the touch sampling rate up to 1000Hz. Its AI Frame Rate Stabilizer monitors the system’s performance in real-time to manage frame rate stability during gaming.
The phone also incorporates an industry-leading 65W SUPERVOOC fast-charging feature that charges the phone 100 percent in 31 minutes. The technology also prevents battery heating thus allowing users to play games while charging their devices. The Reno 7 Pro 5G comes with 256GB storage and 12GB RAM.
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