Oppo Reno 7 series will officially arrive in India on February 4, Oppo confirmed on Monday. The series will boot two models, the Reno 7 Pro and Reno 7. It seems the Reno 7 SE isn’t headed to India, at this point. The company had only just recently teased the launch of Reno 7 series, in India, highlighting its high-res cameras. Today, it’s sharing the Reno 7 Pro and Reno 7’s design and launch date.
The Reno 7 Pro and Reno 7 will come with what Oppo is calling “glow” design. The phones will have a glass back and flat sides—this will be made of metal in the pro model. The glass will have a matte texture, but will have a “shiny” appearance at the same time. Oppo claims it is using the same tech that’s used in the aviation industry to design the phones’ back panel. The Reno 7 Pro, additionally, will also come with 3D “breathing” lights around the camera module that will pulsate when you get a call, message, or during charging.
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