OSS Infocomhas recently launched COROS PACE 2, the premium GPS sports watch in India. With just 29g ofweight, the COROS PACE 2 nylon band is the lightest GPS watch in the world. Nylon Watch Bandsare more breathable and allows comfortable and snug fit and improve heart rate accuracy, especially during long sweaty workouts on warm days.
COROS PACE 2 has a 1.5x stronger processor, 5x more RAM and 4x more storage than theprevious one, leaving enough space for expanded features. It can be a training partner for the longhaul be it for a race or in the weight room. It has a feature of Night Mode which leaves the backlighton for the entirety of the workout at night and turns off automatically once finished.
COROS PACE 2 provides a maximum GPS battery life of 30 hours. For further extra life, one canswitch to Ultra Max mode when the watch has a low battery remaining. It offers 20 days of daily use.
COROS PACE 2 has an inbuilt strength training program that has over 200 exercises. It auto-detects body movements and monitors heart rate to measure the calories burned. It also has aTrack Run Mode, a patented algorithm as precise as a stopwatch that is used to ensure thataccurately calibrated track runs and workouts are measured.
On launching this premium GPS sports watch in India, Mr. Amit Sinsinwal, Director of OSSInfocom said, “We are extremely happy and delighted for launching the lightest GPS Sports Watch of the world – COROS PACE 2 in India. This watch offers everything one can expect from a GPSSports Watch, plus some of the most desirable features including phone notifications, caller ID, Sleep Tracking and Fitness Level analysis, etc. Not every activity gets the blood flowing in the same way.”