Realme announced its flagship of the year, Realme 2 Pro at Amity University in Noida. Realme 2 Pro, is set to become a benchmark in the mid-range segment owing to its ‘Max Power, Max Style’ proposition. The device carries a formidable Snapdragon 660 AIE processor and comes in three variants; 4 GB RAM + 64 GB ROM at INR 13,990/-, 6GB RAM + 64 GB ROM at INR 15,990/- and 8GB RAM + 128GB ROM at INR 17,990/- . Realme 2 Pro, with a super large and marvelous view, 6.3-inch Dewdrop Full Screen and the highest screen-to-body ratio of 90.8% in its segment, will be exclusively available on Flipkart from October 11, at 00:00 Hours (October 10 midnight) onwards. The phone will be available in three trendy new colors- Blue Ocean, Black Sea and Ice Lake.
Speaking at the launch of Realme 2 Pro, Madhav Sheth, Chief Executive Officer, Realme India, said, “With our first offering in the mid-range segment, we bring to you Realme 2 Pro, packed with a powerful processor, dewdrop full screen, superlative photography experience and much more, furthering our product philosophy of Power meets Style. We are a 1 million+ brand now in less than 4 months which we have achieved with just two phones in the market. We have entered markets like Indonesia, Vitenam, and entering UAE in November. By early next year, we will be having 10 global markets.”
Sky Li, Global CEO of Realme, said, “I have been deeply touched by the love and strong support our fans have shown for Realme. We will continue to bring more beautiful designs, high-quality products and exceptional services especially for Indian youth.”
Realme, born from OPPO, now an independent brand targeted at global youth, had recently released its first brand film with a new brand slogan ‘Proud to be Young’, epitomizing the brand and its global positioning. The film emotes and evangelizes the brand proposition of Realme- a brand of the young, by the young and for the young.
The full screen era is in full swing. Realme 2 Pro, the first model in its price range that comes with 6.3-inch super-view Dewdrop Full Screen, with the front camera embedded at the top of the screen, where the receiver and various sensors are also harbored. The design of the phone realizes every sense of the full screen concept. Feeling of grasp Realme 2 Pro that comes with a 90.8% screen-to-body ratio is similar to holding a conventional 5.5-inch phone with a 16:9 screen.
Realme 2 Pro back cover is the sectional lamination of 15 atomic layers. Exquisite carving presents the water drop back cover that comes with the sense of profundity, transparency, and high hardness. The back cover features an arc that fits the palm center, and delivers a glass-like sense. Large round corner design for the R-corner and C-corner ensures that your hand does not feel weak and tired despite holding the phone for a long time. Realme 2 Pro offers Black Sea, Blue Ocean and Ice Lake, matching the current fashion trend.
Realme 2 Pro carries the magic Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 AIE processor that features high-performance and low power consumption, Adreno 512 GPU, and Qualcomm All-Ways Aware™ sensor hub and HVX, as well as built-in AI engine. All combined guarantees an extremely smooth real AI experience.
Realme 2 Pro is equipped with up to 8GB RAM and 128GB ROM, and supports 256GB microSD card extension. It comes with LPDDR4X four-channel memory, that increases the processing frequency, consumes 40% less power, starts apps faster, and runs multiple apps smoothly. With 128 GB storage users can access 27000 photos or 200+ movies in this phone.