realme, India’s most trusted technology brand has just unveiled a new color option for its popular entry-level smartphone, the realme C55, called Rainforest. The design of this new color has been inspired by the natural phenomenon of the Sunshower, which creates vertical microscope lines resembling rain droplets. The vibrant colors of the back cover depict a picturesque scene of a summer rainforest, aligning with the “Let’s Go Wild” theme, perfect for the summer season to unwind and appreciate nature.
realme’s new C-Series, where C stands for Champion, brings a new strategic upgrade that offers exceptional performance while also reflecting the personality and style of the younger generation. The new range of C Series smartphones will lead the segment with its unparalleled tech upgrades in four key areas: camera, storage, charging, and design. The realme C55, launched on 21st March, is the first smartphone in the series to feature a 64MP flagship sensor, the fastest 33W SUPERVOOC charging solution in its price segment, and the innovative ‘Mini Capsule’. The device also features state-of-the-art technologies such as the MediaTek Helio G88 Chipset, a 6.72” 90Hz FHD+ display, a slim 7.89mm design, a massive 5000mAh battery, and the latest realme UI 4.0.
realme C55 has accomplished a significant feat by selling over 100,000 units within the first five hours of its launch, along with receiving more than 66,000 pre-orders, which is a record high for the C-Series smartphones. With this achievement, realme is dedicated to enhancing the overall customer experience by implementing various measures. The realme C55 has become a favored choice among the younger generation due to its remarkable features and reasonable pricing. Already available in two stunning shades of Sunshower and Rainy Night, the smartphone has gained immense popularity since its release, thanks to its sleek design, cutting-edge technology, and robust performance. The introduction of the Rainforest color variant further adds to its charm and appeal. realme C55 is available in three stunning colors – Sunshower, Rainy Night & Rainforest and comes in three storage variants. The first sale is scheduled for 8th May 2023, 12 noon onwards on, Flipkart & mainline channels.
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