realme, the Most Popular Smartphone Brand among Indian Youth, announced the highly-anticipated launch of the realme 13 Pro Series in India on July 30, 2024 at 12 Noon. Featuring an Ultra Clear Camera with AI, the realme 13 Pro Series 5G comes with next-gen camera innovations with stunning designs to empower young users to capture the world in a whole new way.
Earlier in July, realme introduced HYPERIMAGE+, an AI photography architecture specially designed for mobile photography in the AI era. The new series includes two breakthrough smartphones, the realme 13 Pro+ 5G and realme 13 Pro 5G, both packed with the industry’s first AI photography architecture. Marking the debut of HYPERIMAGE+, the realme 13 Pro Series 5G brings image processing into the RAW domain to enhance image integrity and capture true light and shadows with smooth transitions.
The realme 13 Pro+ 5G features a dual main camera system that allows users to capture images with clarity and detail in a wide variety of lighting conditions. This includes a 50MP OIS main camera with the industry-first Sony LYT-701 sensor, and a 50MP periscope telephoto camera with the Sony LYT-600 sensor supporting 3x optical zoom. Both of them have passed the TÜV Rheinland High Resolution Camera Certification, reflecting their superior image quality and performance.
Designed in collaboration with the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA), the realme 13 Pro Series boasts an Impressionist aesthetic inspired by one of the legendary masters of Impressionism, Claude Monet. The realme 13 Pro+ 5G and realme 13 Pro 5G will be available in Monet Gold and Monet Purple colors for the glass back panel edition, and in Emerald Green for the vegan leather option.
With the upcoming launch of the realme 13 Pro Series, realme reaffirms its commitment to delivering compelling experiences through ultra clear camera with AI and standout design.
Covered By: Mobility India / Realme
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