Redmi Smart TV X43 will launch in India on February 9. The smart TV sports a 43-inch display with 4K resolution. Redmi Smart TV X43 is set to launch alongside the upcoming Redmi Note 11S and Redmi Smart Band Pro on February 9. The company currently offers Redmi Smart TV X50, X55, and X65 models, and Redmi Smart TV X43 is set to sport the smallest display in the company’s X-series smart TV lineup.
Redmi TV X43 will be launched at an event on February 9, as the latest addition to the company’s X-series smart TVs. While Redmi Smart TV 43 currently offers a 43-inch display, it is a full-HD+ display, while the upcoming Redmi TV X43 sports a 4K display. According to the event page on the company’s website, Redmi TV X43 will also come with 4K HDR and Dolby Vision support.