Samsung, India’s largest consumer electronics brand, said that a significant proportion of customers in India are now looking to purchase digital appliances that are powered by AI. According to research conducted by Samsung India, 60% of Indian customers recognize the transformative powers of AI in digital appliances that help provide smart home experiences.
According to the research conducted by Samsung India, 47% of respondents said they desire AI-enabled features that help manage daily tasks such as alerts about replenishing groceries and recommending recipes. Another interesting trend is that the millennials expressed the most excitement about AI-enabled digital appliances; with nearly 50% of all the people interviewed expressing the desire to own AI-powered digital appliances. Millennials interviewed also revealed that they want AI to bring in more real-life applications to elevate their living experience.
“It’s time for our smart devices to understand our needs and adapt to our function and style. Bespoke AI will solve important problems in consumer lives like energy saving in digital appliances including washing machines, and provide worry-free washing by enabling consumers to be in control of their homes, even while they are away. Since the introduction of the Bespoke AI platform earlier this year, consumers have particularly liked the proactive device care that helps monitor upkeep of all home devices at all times. Features such as Samsung SmartThings Homecare provide automated and proactive maintenance, ensuring greater longevity of the devices,” said Mr. Dipesh Shah, Managing Director, SRI-Bangalore. Samsung R&D Institute India-Bangalore (SRI-B) is the largest Samsung R&D center outside South Korea.
The research conducted further revealed that amongst digital appliances – especially refrigerators and washing machines – performance and advanced features like AI and durability are key buying factors. Consumers look at warranty as an important consideration for durability.
In accordance with these consumer preferences, Samsung has already embedded AI into its entire range of home appliances, reducing the time spent on daily chores by a significant margin. Samsung’s Bespoke AI home appliances exemplify consumer excitement, inspiration and optimism for digital technology in modern digital appliances. With inbuilt Wi-Fi and AI chips, Samsung’s latest appliances featuring Bespoke AI offer seamless home management and, improve lives through better security, sustainability, and accessibility.
Using AI vision, AI voice, and AI data technologies, Samsung offers new experiences and innovations where home appliances are more intuitively controlled and connected. Another key focus for Samsung is environmental sustainability, which is evident in features like SmartThings Energy, which allows users to monitor and control the energy consumption of connected appliances. AI Energy Mode uses AI algorithms based on usage patterns, and can provide up to 70% energy savings in washing machines, addressing the ‘3Cs’ for AI experiences – connection, convenience and customization.
Samsung’s Bespoke AI home appliances offer enhanced connectivity and personalized experiences, revolutionizing the smart home experience. Samsung’s dedication to innovation and sustainability, powered by AI, sets new standards for home appliances, making everyday living smarter, more efficient, and eco-friendly.
Covered By: Mobility India / Samsung
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