Samsung India launched Samsung Galaxy J7 Max and Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro, expanding its best-selling mid-range of Galaxy J smartphones. India’s most preferred smartphone series now comes with innovative features like the revolutionary Samsung Pay and all-new Social Camera.
Samsung Galaxy J-series has been a flagbearer of Samsung’s commitment to Indian consumers. The J series’ ‘Make for India’ innovations like Ultra Data Saving, S bike mode, S Power Planning have added immense value to J smartphones. These innovations have addressed specific functional issues of consumers and have aided the emergence of J series as the favourite smartphone series of Indian consumers. Samsung is carrying forward this legacy by introducing revolutionary Samsung Pay and Social Camera on new devices Galaxy J7 Max and Galaxy J7 Pro.
The power-packed smartphones will allow the users to do lot more with their Samsung devices designed to suit the multi-faceted lifestyle of the customer.
“Samsung J series holds leadership position in the mass-mid segment smartphone market and continues to witness a healthy demand from Indian customers. At Samsung, we listen to our consumers and bring out meaningful innovations that help enhance people’s lives. Considering the increasing market demand in the mid segment, we have launched two new models, Galaxy J7 Max and Galaxy J7 Pro. The superior specifications along with disruptive innovations of Samsung Pay and Social Camera on these devices will further consolidate our leadership position,” said Mr. Sumit Walia, Director, Mobile Business, Samsung India.
The recently-launched Samsung Pay will be available on Galaxy J7 Pro while Galaxy J7 Max comes with Samsung Pay Mini.
Samsung Pay users can turn their Samsung smartphone into a wallet, storing credit and debit cards. Through Samsung Pay, users can also use Paytm as well as the government’s Unified Payments Interface (UPI) and pay on the go by just tapping the phone on the Point of Sale (PoS) machine. Samsung Pay, with its ’simple, secure & almost everywhere’ proposition, works seamlessly on a majority of PoS terminals in the country. Samsung’s patented technology, Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST), enables Samsung Pay on regular PoS machines, ensuring Samsung Pay is adopted for everyday transactions.
Samsung Pay Mini, designed to cater to the unique requirements of Indian mid segment consumers, provides a comprehensive platform for UPI and e-wallets. Samsung Pay Mini will be launched first on Galaxy J7 Max and will be made available on select existing J series devices shortly.
Both the smartphones sport a 13MP front camera with an f1.9 lens and back camera (flat back in Galaxy J7 Pro) with an f1.7 lens, and flash, features that were till now available only in Samsung’s flagship phones. The f1.7 and f1.9 lenses enable users to take stunning low light photos and bright selfies even in dimly lit areas.
Our latest innovation, the social camera, brings to the customers a new way of using their smartphone camera by instant sharing, instant editing and instant discovery. Users can now pin their favorite contacts and social media within the camera and share their moments as they click. The instant editing will help consumers create engaging social media-ready content on-the-go by applying live filters or live stickers and share it instantly with social media apps. This reduces dependency on third party image editing apps. The instant discovery feature adds a whole new dimension through the augmented reality camera that allows users to discover their surroundings for popular photography spots, restaurants and shopping areas.
Galaxy J7 Max, powered by a 1.6 GHz Octa-core processor, a 3,300mAH battery and 4GB of RAM makes multi-tasking seamless. Galaxy J7 Pro comes with a 1.6 Octa-core Exynos processor with 3GB of RAM and a 3,600mAH batter ensuring an uninterrupted user experience. Both these power-packed devices are designed to optimize performance with impressive battery life for a smooth and enduring experience. Both the smartphones have been crafted with a metal unibody that make them very stylish.