Sony has launched its latest Bravia series for consumers in India. The new Sony Bravia X75K smart TV comes with the Android TV platform, which means you get built-in Chromecast support. The company has brought the new Bravia TVs in four different screen sizes 43-inch, 50-inch, 55-inch and 65-inches.
Out of these four, Sony is offering 43-inch and 50-inch models for buyers in India. The new Sony Bravia TVs get Dolby Audio support and are powered by Sony’s X1 processor for imaging quality.
The 43-inch and 50-inch versions are priced at Rs 55,990 and Rs 66,990, respectively. These models will be available across all Sony Centers, major electronic stores and e-commerce portals. Users can enjoy smooth and sharp details even in fast-moving sequences with Motionflow XR. They come with open baffle down-firing twin speakers that deliver 20W sound with Dolby Audio. The open baffle speakers are claimed to deliver enhanced low-end sound that’s ideal for movies, sports and music.
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