Sony has launched the BRAVIA XR-A80K as its latest smart TV in India. The television features Cognitive Processor XR chip, 4K upscaling, and XR OLED Motion technology for an enhanced viewing experience. It is offered in 55-inch, 65-inch, and 77-inch display sizes. The latter two models are now available for purchase in India. However, the 55-inch model’s availability details are yet to be revealed.
Sony BRAVIA XR-A80K smart TV features ultra-thin design bezels and 50W speakers with Dolby Audio, Dolby Atmos, and Acoustic Surface Audio+ technology. It comes in 55-inch, 65-inch, and 77-inch OLED displays with a 4K (2160×3840 pixels) resolution, a 120Hz refresh rate, HDR0, HLG, and Dolby Vision formats. The device supports Live Color Technology for color enhancement and Dynamic Contrast Enhancer for contrast improvement.
With a range of technologies that preserve the creators’ intent, such as an enhanced array of Creator Calibrated Modes, IMAX Enhanced and Dolby Vision, this TV reproduces all the drama and excitement of the director’s imagination. And as it’s Calman Ready, creators can even professionally calibrate it for use in production edits.
Our minimalist One Slate design with a single pane of tempered glass keeps you focused on the picture, for truly immersive viewing without distraction. This OLED TV looks and sounds beautiful, whether on a stand or mounted on a wall.
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