The Staff Selection Commission has announced 857 vacancies for the post of Head Constable Assistant Wireless Operator/Tele-Printer Operator (AWO/TPO) in Delhi Police-2022. In line with this, and its continuous endeavor to empower Bharat Youth to excel in various Government exams across the country, leading telecom operator Vi in partnership with Pariksha- the pioneering institute of govt. exam preparation, is offering access to preparatory test material for Delhi Police Exams. The prep material covers a series of exams such as Head Constable, Assistant Wireless Operator (AWO), Tele-Printer Operator (TPO) exams.
The govt. job aspirants understand the importance of preparation as per the syllabus. Therefore, keeping the test materials in line with the exam syllabus, Vi in partnership with Pariksha, has curated hundreds of test series materials available on the Vi Jobs & Education platform on the Vi App. With this, the aspiring candidates can access test materials for all the 5 subjects in the syllabus – General Science, General Awareness, Reasoning, Computer Fundamentals and Mathematics. Simultaneously, to get familiarized with the exam and asses their readiness, candidates can avail unlimited mock test sessions offered by Vi.
Giving wings to the Central and State Govt. job aspirants, Vi Jobs & Education offers unlimited mock tests across 150+ exams in various categories such as Staff Selection Commission, Banking, Teaching, Defense, Railways etc. at a nominal subscription fee of Rs. 249/year. To experience a demo exam, Vi provides one mock test for free across various categories.
The Head Constable AWO/TPO exam is scheduled for 27th & 28th October 2022. Vi customers can access well-researched test material through the Vi Jobs & Education platform on the Vi App anywhere, anytime.
Vi Jobs & Education on the Vi App integrates India’s largest grey collared job search platform ‘Apna’; leading English learning platform ‘Enguru’; and ‘Pariksha’, a platform specializing in government employment exam preparation.
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