Vijay Sales, India’s leading electronics retail chain, in collaboration with Acer, hosted an electrifying gaming event on June 10, 2023, at the Vijay Sales Kondapur Store in Hyderabad. Gaming enthusiasts witnessed an epic showdown of skills and adrenaline-pumping action at the highly anticipated Game-A-Thon event as it surpassed all expectations and emerged as a resounding success, leaving participants and spectators awestruck.
Gaming aficionados from across Hyderabad thronged to the Vijay Sales, Kondapur store, eager to showcase their gaming prowess and dive into the immersive virtual world. Street Fighter V, FIFA 23, and Forza Horizon 5 served as the battlegrounds for intense competitions that brought out the best of gaming talent.
The highlight of the event was the presence of the legendary Sonali ‘Play Like Incognito’ Singh, where participants had the unique opportunity to meet Sonali in person and even got a chance to test their skills against her.
Apart from the exhilarating competitions at the Vijay Sales store, attendees indulged in a wide range of activities that kept the excitement levels soaring. Virtual reality gaming offered a mind-bending experience, while the wheel of fortune presented exciting surprises to lucky winners. Participants even got a chance to witness Cos Play contest.
The winners of the Game-A-Thon were rewarded with exceptional prizes, including cutting-edge Acer Gaming Monitors and enticing vouchers, among other exciting rewards. However, the ultimate prize for all participants was the priceless bragging rights earned through their remarkable gaming skills.
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