Vodafone announced the roll-out of its Voice over LTE (VoLTE) services across Chennai. Vodafone now enables its customers to make calls using VoLTE and enjoy HD quality crystal clear voice with super call connect. Vodafone SuperNet 4G customers can access Vodafone VoLTE for no additional charges and all calls will be billed as per existing plan or pack benefits, thus experiencing the best from Vodafone’s Data Strong Network.
Announcing the launch of the Vodafone VoLTE service, S. Murali, Business Head Tamil Nadu, Vodafone India said, “We have been making significant investments to expand, upgrade and modernise our network to ensure that we provide the finest service experience and seamless connectivity to our valued customers. We are delighted that Vodafone is now launching VoLTE services across Chennai. VoLTE is a step further towards enhancing customer experience and enabling our customers in Chennai explore newer possibilities with their smart devices. We plan to expand our VoLTE footprint across Tamil Nadu over the next few months.”
Vodafone VoLTE service were recently launched in Maharashtra and Goa, Mumbai, Delhi-NCR, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana, Karnataka , UP west , UP east and will be extended across the country in a phased manner over the next few months.
How to enjoy Vodafone VoLTE: 1. Customers can access Vodafone VoLTE services on all VoLTE enabled devices. Several popular handsets are already compatible with the Vodafone VoLTE network, and the numbers of such handsets is growing rapidly. 2. Upgrade the mobile device’s OS to the latest version. 3. Ensure the device has a Vodafone 4G SIM: Customers with Dual-SIM handsets have to ensure that the Vodafone 4G SIM has been inserted in the data SIM slot/slot 1 and network mode has been set as “4G/3G/2G (Auto)”.
Vodafone VoLTE will be available on all VoLTE devices. Currently following popular VoLTE handsets are compatible with Vodafone VoLTE and this handset universe is increasing rapidly to include all popular models.