Poco will launch its Poco M4 Pro 5G on February 15 in India. The company has finally confirmed the launch date of the smartphone after weeks of anticipation around it. Going forward, we can expect Poco to reveal more details about the Poco M4 Pro 5G in the buildup to the launch. Meanwhile, its global launch in November last year as well as several speculations around the India debut have already hinted at what to expect from the phone upon its launch.
As has been known through its global variant, the Poco M4 Pro 5G will come as a mid-range smartphone in India that will likely be priced below the Rs 20,000 mark. The phone will come as a rebranded Redmi Note 11 5G, complete with 5G support, and it is expected to bring the same features to India upon its launch.
The India launch date of the Poco M4 Pro 5G comes a day after Poco came up with a series of tweets around the device hinting at the upcoming launch. Though the company had not revealed any launch details for the phone in the tweets, it had managed to raise some curiosity by sharing a few highlights from the device.
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