AjnaLens is all geared up to introduce yet another exciting new Mixed Reality headsets AjnaXR SE and AjnaXR PRO for users on August 15, 2023. The headset is tipped to have impressive features such as a dual 2.1-inch F-LCD display with a resolution of 3200 x 1600 along with 128GB storage and a 5500mAh battery capacity for SE. Having all the features and benefits of AjnaXR SE, the AjnaXR Pro version has an even higher resolution display with hand tracking as well as a coloured pass-through camera featureand more.
Designed with the goal of providing an immersive training experience and extended usage, the headset from AjnaLens boasts a lightweight design. Its diopter lenses ensure adaptability to eyes. Additionally, the headset’s uniform weight distribution strikes a perfect balance between the front-end optics and back-end batteries, making it comfortable and user-friendly.
It’s time to reimagine training, learning, and development with AjnaXR Headsets.
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