Apple recently launched the Reality Pro Headset last month and now the tech giant is gearing up for the annual iPhone Series launch that takes place in September/October. However, the iPhone 15 Series will not be the only product that will go official in this launch event.
The analyst has also shared Apple’s roadmap for the 2nd half of 2023 and early 2024. According to the roadmap, Apple’s plans include an M3-based 13-inch MacBook Pro (codenamed J504) slated to launch in Q4 2023 or Q1 2024.
Similarly M3 Pro and M3 Max-based 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pros (codenamed J514 and J516) will arrive in early 2024, apart from which there might be a new M3-based MacBook Air in early 2024. A 30-inch iMac is also in the works but there are no details about it as of now. There might also be a 24-inch iMac model to be announced by fall this year. An upgraded version of M1 based iPad Air Model and iPad Pros with OLED displays are also expected.
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