Taking a leap ahead of its predecessor, HONOR MagicWatch 2 was launched in India along with HONOR 9X and HONOR Band 5i, and has been one of the most awaited device from HONOR’s house of wearables. Made up of 316L stainless steel, HONOR Magic Watch 2 features industry’s top features such as 3.53 cms (1.39-in) HD AMOLED display with 454 x 454 resolution, 15 goal-based fitness modes including indoor sports and outdoor modes, 5ATM Water resistance up to 50 meters, SPO2 and VO2 feature to monitor the oxygen saturation levels in the bloodstream, along with Huawei’s TrueSeen, TrueRelax and TrueSleep features.
Not just that, equipped with intelligent Kirin A1 chipset, the 41g smartwatch features a strong battery that goes on for upto 2 weeks on a single charge. Additionally, the Bluetooth calling feature in the MagicWatch 2 allows you to take calls upto 150m distance from the smartphone.
HONOR with its Watch series has been the industry’s forerunner. HONOR MagicWatch 2 features a perfect blend of lifestyle and best-in-class technology, demonstrating brand’s TechChic positioning and at the same time, raising the benchmark in Wearable category. The success of MagicWatch 2 is a testimony to our consumers’ faith on the brand and love for HONOR products.