India’s leading game developer SuperGaming has revealed the next step in bringing its Indo-Futuristic battle royale Indus to the world with the Indus Battle Royale Beta. The Indus Battle Royale Beta is out now for Android devices via Google Play. This follows the company’s strictly limited closed beta event for select iOS users that started in December.
“With Indus pre-registrations crossing 8.5 million, it’s obvious that the Indian art, culture, and stories in the game have attracted a global audience worldwide,” says Mr. Roby John, CEO and co-founder of SuperGaming. “We thank all our playtest players, esports pros, and content creators for playing their part in building India’s gaming revolution with us, now it’s India’s — and the world’s — turn to play Indus.”
Players will be able to drop onto Virlok, Indus’ map, and experience all the action for themselves on their own devices. The Indus Battle Royale Beta includes the complete battle royale experience as well as several new features tested and improved upon through previous Indus Community Playtests, the Indus Esports Invitational, as well as the aforementioned iOS limited closed beta event. It can be accessed with an Indus Beta Key which will be in limited supply.
Along with this, a new trailer for the game is out now showcasing its key differentiator versus every other battle royale on the market right now. Dubbed ‘Cosmium Changes Everything’, the trailer highlights how players can win matches without being the last ones standing by capturing Cosmium, an in-game item that manifests itself during the last few minutes of a game.
You can check out the trailer right here:
While Cosmium as an alternate win condition was devised by SuperGaming, India’s top esports teams vetted it as a viable option during the Indus Esports Invitational held recently.
“Cosmium is central to Indus’ universe, story-telling, and gameplay,” says Roby John. “The trailer is inspired by our players and how they interacted with Cosmium in our playtests and the Indus Esports Invitational to make for a vastly more exciting gameplay experience.”
How to Get Indus Beta Keys
Sign up on the official Indus Beta key site — to get on the waitlist. Keys are in limited supply. On receiving an Indus Beta key, redeem it on
To celebrate the Indus Beta, players will net one-of-a-kind exclusive cosmetic items to cement their status as being the game’s early supporters. These will not be available at launch.
Indus Battle Royale Beta Android System Requirements
Powered by the Indus Engine, SuperGaming’s in-house custom tech stack, Indus currently runs at greater than 40fps on 2022 low-end Android devices with 4GB RAM along with several visual details such as environments and shadows dialled back as per internal testing. 2023 Android flagships achieve 60fps with every visual detail set to the maximum in internal tests as well.
This makes Indus playable on smartphones priced at about Rs. 8,000 (around $100), making it widely accessible to players the world over, opening up a large market for worldwide adoption.
“Mobile is the biggest segment of the Indian gaming market and we want to treat players on mobile as first-class citizens rather than an after-thought,” says Mr. Sujeet Kumar, Technical Director, SuperGaming. “While Indus runs on Unity, our fully custom-built sandbox shooter tech stack called the Indus Engine allows us to optimise the game even further for a smoother playing experience.”
SuperGaming is continuously optimising Indus to support more low-end devices. Most smartphones bought in 2020 onwards should be able to run it at playable frame rates. Visual fidelity may vary based on the exact hardware in use as well as user-customised graphics settings.
Covered By: Mobility India / SuperGaming
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