Karbonn Mobiles, India’s leading smartphone manufacturer, launched Titanium Mach One exclusively on Snapdeal.com. With the finger on the pulse of the Indian consumers, the device has been designed to bring relevant and simplified Smartphone technology to complement the usage behavior and digital proficiency of the diverse Indian mobile phone users. With an aim to simplify complex labyrinth of navigation menus, Titanium Mach One has been integrated with highly intuitive and user-friendly gesture enabled features, multiple camera functions, optimized battery life and customizable dead screen updates for quick and easy interactivity.
In cognizance of the varied levels of smartphone usage abilities of the Indian consumers, Titanium Mach One is equipped with ‘Gesture Suite’ which includes a host of highly intuitive gesture enabled features to facilitate faster navigation with minimal interaction between the user and the device. The “Gesture suite” includes ‘Smart Lock Screen’ that enables direct access to notifications and apps from lock screen, ‘Gesture Mode’ for easy access to preferred apps with the swipe of fingers and ‘Smart Eye Gesture’ for automatically pausing running videos when the user looks away from the screen. In recognition with the linguistic diversity of the country, Titanium Mach One supports up to 21 local languages facilitating regional language interactivity.
Especially catering to the photography enthusiasts, the device offers advanced photo capturing features including ‘Blink Capture’ and ‘Voice Capture’ and numerous photo modes comprising of panorama view, continuous shot and selfie mode. Titanium Mach One is equipped with 8MP back camera with BSI sensors for impeccable images in lowlight conditions and 5MP front camera with LED flash for beautiful selfies and video calling. The device is powered by 1.3GHz Quad core processor and MALI 400 MP2 graphic processor; Android OS 4.4 KitKat upgradable to Android Lollipop and robust hardware specs including 11.9 cm (4.7-Inch) HD IPS screen and 8GB internal storage. The device is available in three stunning color variants White-Silver, White- Gold and Black-Blue at a disruptive price of Rs 6990 available exclusively on Snapdeal.com.