LG Electronics has announced a lucky draw campaign to celebrate and mark the occasion of its 25th anniversary in India. Under the aegis of this campaign, consumers will get a chance to participate in a lucky draw and win free LG products on the purchase of LG Televisions (UHD, OLED, NanoCell and QNED). One lucky customer will also win LG OLED worth Rs 209990. The consumers can avail this offer from 22nd Apr to 22nd May 2022. The contest is applicable across India, except in the state of Tamil Nadu.
Consumers buying LG 4K Televisions will get a chance to participate in the “Lucky 25th” contest. The participants will spin a wheel which will determine the prize of the lucky draw. Lucky consumers can win LGOLED TVs, LG TONEFree Earbuds and LG XBOOM Speakers.
Speaking of the initiative Mr. Gary Kim- Director, Home electronics -LG Electronics India said –“We are extremely excited and proud as we celebrate LG’s 25th year anniversary in India. The journey of the past 25 years would not have been possible without the trust and support that the consumers have vested in brand LG. As a gesture, we bring this interesting opportunity to our consumers that will enable them to win their favourite LG products- LG OLED TVs, LG ToneFree Earbuds and LG X-Boom Speakers. We are confident that the latest offers for our diverse range of products, will enable consumers to upgrade and enrich their lives”
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