Mobility Magazine Wishes New Year 2022 will Begin a New Era for Make in India
Dear Readers,
Mobility Magazine wishes a Happy & Prosperous New Year 2022 to all its readers and a Successful New Year 2022 to all the Make in India players into the manufacturing of mobile accessories, mobile phones and electric vehicles. It is heartening to see the purchases of EVs reaching new levels in 2021 and also to witness more and more MNC players willing to manufacture in India.
The global brand of IT hardware and solutions, ACER, in association with Dixon Technologies, plans to manufacture laptops under the Value Segment category, mainstream segment, and education segment at the Dixon Factory. This will create new employment opportunities for 100s of young people and help to develop ancillary electronic industries in India along with bringing in global manufacturing standards to India.
Next, the Arunachal Pradesh state government and the central government have both offered huge fiscal and policy incentives for the development of thrust sectors and manufacturing in the state.
We hope 2022 will usher in a new era in the history of Make in India