OPPO Mobile, announced the launch of OPPO Hyper Boost, its full-scenario, system-level performance boost engine. Hyper Boost helps elevate the overall user experience through improvements in the power consumption and performance of Android smartphones. Developed extensively over the years prior to today’s unveiling, OPPO Hyper Boost is designed to accommodate a wide range of usage scenarios and behaviors. A proprietary solution for optimizing system-level resource allocation on smartphones, Hyper Boost is a great example of OPPO’s strength and understanding in the system-level optimization of the Android platform.
Ryan Chen, Head of the Software Research Center of the OPPO Research Institute, said, “Our journey toward improving the system performance of smartphones dates back to 2015. Today we are proud to see the launch of OPPO Hyper Boost, the result of constant improvements and optimizations. Its ability to optimize resource allocation on Android systems helps overcome the power consumption and performance challenges when smartphones are running heavy-load applications. This cutting-edge technology has demonstrated our industry-leading strength in technical innovation and our commitment to bringing the best experience to our users. ”
Hyper Boost works by enabling real-time “two-way dialogs” between applications and system resources. After having recognized the various scenarios and user behaviors from different applications and game programs, Hyper Boost comprehensively optimizes the allocation of resources across the system to specific needs. This helps ensure better utilization of hardware resources, faster response speed of applications and game programs, and smoother operation of the overall system.
Hyper Boost works by enabling real-time “two-way dialogs” between applications and system resources. After having recognized the various scenarios and user behaviors from different applications and game programs, Hyper Boost comprehensively optimizes the allocation of resources across the system to specific needs. This helps ensure better utilization of hardware resources, faster response speed of applications and game programs, and smoother operation of the overall system.