One UI Watch4.5 will soon be available for Galaxy Watch devices, bringing a more complete watch experience. On top of the last version of Wear OS Powered by Samsung (running Wear OS 3.5), the new One UI Watch4.5 release adds a fuller typing experience, an easier way to make calls and a host of new intuitive accessibility features, together making the Galaxy Watch a more complete package.

To make it easier to interface with the watch, One UI Watch4.5 adds a full typing experience on screen. Whether you’re making searches or responding to messages and emails, you can take advantage of the new full QWERTY keyboard with Swipe to type in addition to dictating and handwriting, making communicating from your watch easier than ever.2 Plus, instead of committing to just one method, One UI Watch4.5 lets you seamlessly switch inputs at any time, allowing you to start dictating a message then change to the keyboard if you need more privacy.
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