Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) had been selling its gaming consoles via various online and offline in the country so far, but now, the company has unveiled its first PlayStation-exclusive store in India in Delhi. Customers no longer have to rely on online websites like Amazon, Flipkart, Reliance Digital and other offline outlets to buy the gaming console. The news about Sony opening its dedicated PlayStation store in India has been shared by industry insider Rishi Alwani. In addition to the PlayStation console, customers can also purchase a Plus subscription and some noted gaming titles.
While it’s not completely clear, but the company looks to have teamed up with a third-party retailer to start the first PlayStation Store in India. DT Zone is reportedly the official partner for Sony’s first partner for the offline store.
As said, the store will be a one-stop shop for multiple Sony gaming console needs, including the PlayStation, Dual Sense gaming controllers, headsets, and others. The store images highlight the PlayStation Plus membership plans, which gives players access to a large catalogue of games. These vouchers can be purchased from the store and can be activated from the offline website.
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