Tata Docomo announced their Truly Unlimited Plan at Rs 899 for their postpay customers in Mumbai targeted at upwardly mobile young achiever – self-employed or professional. The plan offers unlimited local and STD calls to all networks and 500 MB of 2G Data Bundled for Consumers, Local and National SMS at 50p/SMS, International SMS at Rs 5/SMS.
Designed especially for working professionals and self-employed customers, the plan is also available for Retail, IOCR and SME B segments. Deemed as one of its kind, the plan includes no hidden costs apart from monthly rental Rs 899 (taxes will be as applicable). Along with this offer, all other running offers will continue without any disturbance.
“Keeping Customer Centricity at the core of its values, Tata Docomo has been proactively introducing innovative and customised offerings that suit the requirement of every customer. Targeted at working professionals and self-employed customers, this offer gives excellent voice benefits along with basic data bundle that is best suited for our high voice using customers” said Mr. Jamshed Gilani, Mobility Business Unit Head, Mumbai, Tata Teleservices.