TCL had entered the Indian market earlier with TCL 562, now the company has announced the launch of its Virtual Reality (VR) headset in India with the TCL 562 smart phone. The set is priced at Rs. 13,999 and will be available from April 20, 2017 on and select retail stores across India. The smartphone comes in Metal Gold and Dark Grey color. If you’re ready to explore new worlds, engage in tense action, you need a headset that’s well made, and engineered to fit better than ever before. The VR works seamlessly with TCL 562 smartphone using Micro USB connection. Simply plug in the phone to begin.
Commenting on the launch, Mr. Praveen Valecha, Regional Director, TCL India said, “We’ve redefined virtual reality and created the best mobile VR experience available today. We see virtual reality driving a revolution in content and experience, and we are thrilled to launch VR device to set the standard for mobile VR and bring this revolutionary product to consumers. To ensure availability in retail we have appointed Advance Computers as our distributor. The product will also be available on the eCommerce channel.”
Essa Marchant, MD Advance Computers and Mobiles India Pvt Ltd, said, “We are very excited to launch TCL in trade and see a huge growth potential in India in the burgeoning smartphone market. We are confident latest technology and premium look at affordable prices will be a big hit in retail. The pairing of TCL 562 with VR will encourage mass adaptation of virtual reality in the already growing market. Anything is possible with these TCL 562 and VR devices.”
VR Set
TCL 562 is now available with a pair of virtual reality goggles which, when combined with the smartphone, becomes the portal for users to enter the world of immersive 360-degree viewing and gaming. Virtual reality content such as videos and games can be downloaded onto the device from the VR Store, a built-in app to easily access saved virtual reality content or streamed in real-time.
TCL 562 – Design to impress
Powered by the Octa Core (4X1.8GHz + 4X1.0GHz) Helio P10 MT6755M Chipset processor the 5.5-inch TCL 562 Android 6.0 handset (measuring 152 x 77 x 7.99mm) is ideal for those looking to create, share and enjoy digital content on the go, enabled by 3GB RAM and a standard 32GB of internal memory. It packs a 2960 mAh battery ensuring lasting performance from every charge. A full HD Zero Distortion screen with IPS technology extends to house the 5MP wide view angle front lens as well as the 13MP AF camera with LED dual tone flash and 0.3 ultra-fast focus rear camera. Connectivity comes through its Cat4 LTE, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, and Bluetooth 4.2.
The Android handset features a Full HD IPS screen to ensure bright rendering of color. The TCL 562 expresses the great sense of ease and convenience by its slim and slight design. Covering by various curved elements with the slender body design, TCL 562 is comfortable in-hand fit. With hairline-brush rear, the 562 is not only attractive, but durable. The curved metallic diamond cut design frame is sleek, modern, and visually compelling for making the smartphone looks thinner and lighter. Its fingerprint authentication feature detects unique patterns and ridges to match against stored data to unlock the phone. Innovations such as HI-FI Sound™ give high-quality audio performance for music and movies. Phone fans will appreciate exposure control which allows adjustment of exposure and focus independently to get clear and bright shots that ensure selfies are always presented in the best lighting conditions.
The VR set will be available with TCL 562 smartphone with at a special launch Price of Rs. 13,999 on retail stores across India as well as on the eCommerce platform.