U&i is India’s most progressive Gadget Accessory and Consumer Electronics brand. During an exclusive interaction during the Gift Expo 2023, Mr. Paresh Vij, Founder, U&i & Lyne, shares his experiences at the event and unfolds the plan therein.
Brief us about the expo?
It’s nice to have been associated with such a huge event. The show dispenses an extensive range of products, ideas, and solutions in a variety of niches in the B2B gifting space. The iconic fair is the ultimate destination for every possible gifting solution: gift items, souvenirs, premiums, novelties, mementos, and keepsakes; it is also a one-stop rendezvous for promotional solutions in India. The Gifts World Expo unites the entire gifting industry under one roof.
We are very thankful to the entire team of Gift Expo, who has given us the opportunity to be a part of the biggest platform that plays a vital role in promoting growth and innovation within the industry by facilitating connections between businesses.
What are your plans to make it international?
U&i has been the first ever brand in India to be accredited with ISO 9001:2015 certification, which clearly indicates that the brand meets customer requirements and statutory and regulatory requirements.
U&i has already become an international brand; it has a presence all over the world and plans to extend its reach to more than 26 countries. Moreover, it has also become a quality expert and has a presence in 26 countries.
U&I offerings are a perfect blend of innovative technologies, unique designs, and compelling prices. We are committed to bringing high-quality products that boast reliable components with sleek exteriors.
What are your next goals?
U&i, established in 2019, is India’s most progressive Gadget Accessory and Consumer Electronics brand. Our offerings are a perfect blend of innovative technologies, unique designs, and compelling prices. We are committed to bringing you high-quality products that boast reliable components and sleek exteriors.
In the future, we plan to extend our reach to 51 countries. Company target 51 U&i became an international brand for mobile accessories, ISO 1 2015 certified.
We are announcing one of our unique and alluring schemes on August 1, which will be one of the biggest launches in India.
What is your message to the viewers?
U&i and Lyne are part of the same group. Both brands have always made sure that the needs of the customer were important. We have always been the first to bring the most innovative technology to consumers at the most affordable prices.
Our dedication to customer satisfaction and ability to provide the best deals drive our operations. We also provide an exclusive range of products. The U&i team has seasoned and talented professionals with decades of experience in lifestyle products, designing, and ecommerce technologies.
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